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You Can't Brand Yourself. Let Nature Brand You.

Etsy is so great when it comes to being able to sell online. They have Traffic, analytics, tools, resources, and easy-to-follow directions to get yourself up online. But just like anything in life.. When it's too easy, you pay for it in other ways.

A great example of this is BRANDING.

Because Etsy provides you with the template that you must stay within, it can at times feel like you are just a cow standing in the field with all the other cows. So today, I want to create some actionable plans for you, along with some real examples of ways that you can develop and grow a brand (not just sell products but have people remember who you are!) on Etsy.

So let's play a game.

It’s your birthday and I am going to the dollar tree to get your present. Are you expecting something amazing from me?

Probably not.


Because you know the dollar tree brand, and know that most likely I am coming back with something cheap and not well made.

Let's flip this.

It’s your birthday and I am taking you to Disneyland.

Think it is going to be amazing?

Probably! (unless you're anti-social then this would be your worst nightmare)


Their brand. If I say, “Where is the happiest place on earth?” What pops into your head?


Now its important to note that Disneyland didn't not just put up a billboard that claimed to be the happiest place on earth. They have invested a LARGE amount of their profits and hired top talent so that they may actually develop the best theme parks on the earth.

So when it comes to our Etsy Shops, We can not expect to just “say” what we want people to believe.

However- We have to start by US saying it! We need to understand who the captain of the ship is and where it is going.

Our businesses and our shops need to have their own identity. They are a part of us, but they are not us. It’s our job to give them life and help them stay true to who they are.

Here is an amazing exercise that can help you do this.

I want you first to take a piece of paper and write down what the purpose of your business is.

(your answer shouldn't be to make “xxx” product)

The first and most important step to getting a brand is to have a purpose of why your business or shop exists.

I share examples of this in my podcast *Episode 5 branding=

Here is a quick example, if you make baby swaddles, Your purpose could be to provide newborns the comfort that they miss from being within their mom.

If this is your true purpose, then when you go to buy fabric, you will think differently as you touch the fabric. As you work with design, you are going to naturally pay attention to details that will help bring comfort to newborns that they miss with their mom. When life gets stressful, or you have a hard business day you will be motivated in what your business does for others.

Once you feel you have a purpose, you now create core values around that purpose.

Those core values are what run your business.

Here is how you create core values.

Purpose+You = Core Values.

I currently work for a company that we are developing a large niche brand with the purpose of selling.

Here are our core values.

  1. Be Real

  2. Help out

  3. Have Fun

  4. Make Money

This is who our brand is. The people who work within our company share these core values. Our team, though we are all very different, at the end of the day, have a common characteristics.

But these core values go even deeper than our team. They are how we make EVERY decision within our team.

Here is a real example. Recently we have presented a way to get more leads by having people sign into our CEO’s Facebook account and having them talk to potential clients as if they were our CEO.

We brought this up in our Monday meeting and looked over past data that was provided about this style of lead generating. After going through it, we were convinced that this method would be successful within our company.

However, even though we knew it would work, we knew that we didn’t run the company. Our core values do. And when we brought in our core values we could see as plain as jane that this would violate core value #1. “Be Real.” So we did not go forward with it.

Core Values are the captain on your ship. Not only will they keep you on the course, but it is what people will know about you when they think of your brand.


We put everything in a box within our minds. It’s why we need constant reminders to be more open-minded. But don’t worry if that is a struggle of yours! It’s our instinct to do it!

When we touch something hot, we brand it.

When we eat something gross, we brand it.

When someone is a jerk to us, we brand them.

Its our defense mechanism of survival! We do this naturally. In fact, our brain loves to do it.

So when we give our potential, current, and returning customers “our brand” they are grateful to have it.

Just think about buying off-brand shoes online. We don't know the company, they are a mystery and it makes it SO hard to trust that we are getting the quality that we want. However, it’s much easier to buy a pair of shoes you have worn before online. This is because you have branded them and could probably list off some adjectives about what you like about the shoe.

But you notice what I said there? What do YOU like about the shoe. We don’t actually brand ourselves. The consumer does. And the brand they give us revolves around how we affect them.

So when we adopt the thinking that our “brand” is what brings value to the customer, then it should change how you see EVERYTHING in your store.

If you sell yarn, for example, and you place a watermark on the pictures of your logo.. Is that branding? Does the customer have any reason to remember you? Do they have a box to put you in? Probably not.

But what if you advertise and express often how soft your yarn is (I have no idea if soft yarn is a good or not.. For the example, lets say it is).

When people get your yarn, they will be expecting soft yarn. If it is, then they will leave a review that it is. Now you have two different testimonies (yourself and your reviews) that express your brand!

So when people come to your store, they will not just be shopping for yarn, but will remember your store as the place with soft yarn. Now, anytime they need soft yarn, they come to you!

So now that we understand that the consumer brands us. We understand what our purpose is and have core values that drive our business, lets bring it home!

How do we set up our store to optimize for branding?

  1. Start with visuals. - So lets say that one of your core values is to have fun. Your whole store should then look fun. This means take fun pictures. Put a cover photo that is interesting and brings joy. Anything that is visual ask yourself, does this show my core values? Will someone look at my store and see who my business is? If not, then make sure to revisit those pictures and create more of your core values and purpose in them.

  1. Copy- Your shop description text, announcements, buyer messages, etc should all have core values and purpose in them! This means you dont just describe your product, but you speak to the customer as if your core value self is there! To go back to “fun” if your picture is unique and fun, and your copy is entertaining and slightly goofy, I can promise you that if in a week whether someone bought from you or not, they would remember you!

One of the best examples of this is the brand

They sell dresses. And if she just posted pictures of her dresses she would not be as successful as she is today. She instead branded herself as playful dresses. Dresses that moms can wear and play with their kids in. This spoke to mothers around the globe and she has been killing it because of her ability to brand. Read her story, and check out her pictures. She not only has a purpose, but you can get a sense of their core values right from her listing!

  1. Alright, the last thing you want to remember is that your brand (core values + value you bring to your customers + purpose) should be cohesive! This means your instagram post, conversations with customers, follow up messages, packaging, logo, everything must stay true to your brand. So if your core value is to be kind, and someone writes you a negative review, is it ok to blast them? Or would that be against your core values? Being cohesive will allow you to be predictable and trustworthy and allow your brand to really blossom from every corner of your business!

If you want some real-life examples and more ideas, jump over to my podcast

to get a more in-depth look on the strategy.

If you want help with branding or just someone to go over your shop and see what you could be doing better to get more sales, go to and fill out an application!


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