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Niche and Shout- How To Dominate A Keyword

I feel like we need to start out with some objections/ devil's advocate.

Here we go -

You shouldn't niche your Etsy store because--

Does any of this sound like you?

Here is the thing. It’s so common to think that the bigger the net you cast, the more fish you're going to catch.

When it comes to online marketing, that can't be further from the truth. Think of your Etsy shop as being a store in a mall. Thousands are being poured in while you are given your little booth waiting for those who walk by and window shop to come in.

What if your booth sold “everything’

Clothes, toys, diapers, washing machines, car parts, books, etc.. How would you convince people who walk by to come into your store?

Let's see how that conversation would look:

“ Excuse me sir, what do you want?”

“Umm.. im looking for socks.”

“Socks! I have socks, here is a pair right here! Right next to the fish tanks.”

“Oh, do you have any other colors?”

“Ahh.. no.. just these ones.”

“Ok, I can actually see that a few booths over is a sock store. They probably have a wide selection of what I am looking for, so i'm just going to go over there.”

Can you blame them? This shopper came to the mail looking to buy socks. So when they walked into your store with a little bit of everything, though you did carry socks, you were not in their eyes the “sock store.” You were instead a store that carries socks.

If you are looking to develop and grow a brand with long term sales and growth, you need to be the authority of a niche.

(Plus - its crazy expensive to have a little bit of everything in your store. )

Here is another way of looking at it.

There are always people who just need to find an item. Think of the airport stores right next to the gates. They sell pillows, lunch, snacks, headphones, magazines, etc.. everything you will need for your long plane ride.

Now let me ask you this. Can you name a store like that in your local airport? Like by name?

Probably not.

This is because their purpose is not long-term sales from loyal customers. Their purpose is to take advantage of flyers who need something in a hurry.

If I was to give you $100 dollars to go buy a pair of shoes, you probably have a store,

( that you can name),

in mind.

You probably even have a brand in mind.

That's because shoe stores and brands understand the value of a customer.

Now let's swing this to Etsy.

There is a low percentage of people who log into Etsy looking to buy something quick, cheap, and easy. By making a store full of items that are all over the place, you are targeting this type of buyer.

Most Etsy buyers, however, are logging onto Etsy to find a certain item. They are wanting to shop in the “mall” to find this item. If they come across your store, and you specialize in that item, meaning, you have lots of variations and options for them, they will enter your shop.

This is important.

“Having someone enter your shop is a MUST to long term growth on Etsy.”

If you can take someone from search and convince them to enter your store, you are taking the right steps in developing your brand.

This is why niching on Etsy is so important.

The only way you bring someone into your store is if they want to “shop” through your listing. The way you convince someone to do that is by providing them options based on what they are looking for.

So if someone is looking for socks, and your store is packed full of different colors, sizes, styles, etc. The person who is looking for socks is going to appreciate that you provide more options and instead of using search, they will use your store to shop.

That is why the niche is so powerful.

I have a few other reasons and techniques in my podcast. You can listen here or go search "grow my etsy shop" in your podcast app!


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