Feeling ready to extend your reach but fear that you'll put in all this time and effort for little return? You're not alone.
This happens to so many Etsy shops. They spend hours and hours (and a good pile of cash) and end up with a website that just doesn't compare to their Etsy shop.
This is because they just build their Etsy shop on their website. Etsy is a strong visual platform which is nice, but it removes one of the best selling techniques that websites allow you to have.
Compelling copy coupled with scrollable story telling.
When we mix our visuals with copy that speaks to our buyer, and walk them through the buyers journey our conversion rate will take a noticeable spike.
When done correctly, your website will be the ideal place to send traffic to convert to buyers. Etsy will just become a marketing arm to your higher converting webpage. and you will be able to charge more for the same product due to the buyer experience that you can create.
Let me teach you how to do this.
But First, My Offer to you
So before you jump into all this, I just want to let you know that I have built this all out already and sell how I did through very affordable modules.
Meaning you will finish the modules and have an amazing high converting website for your buyers. If you are interested in learning more about that, click the link below!
It literally will take you about 4 hours. Check it out here.
Step 1: Sell Your Solution/ Benefit. Not Your Product.
As mentioned before. Etsy is VERY visual and takes away from your ability to write compelling copy. So when you create a website, you actually want to divide the user experience. 60% visual, 40% compelling copy.
The first thing you need is to understand is your benefit.
- What does your product bring to your user?
- What will change about their life when they purchase your product?
- What is the finish line of your product?
For example: If you sell alpaca wool socks . We do not want to open up our site by saying - Alpaca wool socks.
This is what you deliver to the user, not what they are buying.
So you have to asks yourself.. Why is someone buying alpaca wool socks and not k-mart socks?
- Maybe they live in a really cold place? - So they need warmer socks
- Maybe their feet are sweating and alpaca wool soaks up moisture better?
- Maybe their feet stinks so they need better socks?
Whatever their reason, we want to paint what their life will look like after they buy our amazing alpaca socks!
So lets open our site by painting that life with a beautiful picture of a trendy person wearing our socks by the fire in a snowy environment.
Have the title be :
You’re Toasty Toes Will Love You.
The Driest Warmth of the Season
Your Evenings Just Got More Cozy.
See how these headlines hit a benefit? Either warmth, sweat , or softness? This is how you want to open your site.
This helps identify that you are more than just socks. That you are going to be giving them value. You are giving them a window into what their experience will be like once they have your socks.
You want them thinking,
"YES, I need these, my freaking feet are always cold."
" Oh perfect, these will keep my feet dry."
Keep in mind, visually, your site is answering a lot of questions for them. (Pictures tell 1,000 words). So let that copy open a new window into their mind.
Once you welcome them with good picture and strong benefit headline, we move to step 2.
Step 2: Tagline
The tagline builds the bridge between their benefit, and your product. So we just advertised toasty toes that are going to love them. So lets answer, how do we give them those toasty toes?

This is where we introduce a tagline introduces our product.
Something like:
Handmade Alpaca Socks - A Warm Hug For Your Feet.
Now the user knows what you sell, while staying in the right mind frame.
By giving them this clear bridge, they can now be in the mindset of seeing that you are the path to giving them the benefits mentioned above.
The next step is where a lot of web developers make their mistakes. They think it's time to start to show the product. (since we have introduced it via tagline)
But if we introduce the product (and cost) now, we are bringing them back to reality. Let's take advantage of this daydreaming time by continuing to help them see what life looks like with our product.
Step 3 - Features
We want to be very visual here with strong powerful sentences that back our pictures.
This isn't a time for you to talk about you and why you are great, but instead to share more details about how you're going to make their life better.
Lets do 3 examples together.
1. Our socks are true alpaca wool.
I hate that we have to say this, but with so much fake alpaca out there we just need to let you know that you will be getting 100%, straight from the source, alpaca wool.
2. Eliminate unwanted smells while staying warm.
Wool socks are warm, but they make you sweat leading to stinky feet. Alpaca wall absorbs moisture which means your feet stay dry, warm, and odor free.
3. Never ending options
These superior socks deserve some flair, choose from over 50 designs so you can create your perfect outfits.
See what we did there? We didn't tell them OUR story. We didn't tell them boring details. We told them why the features of our product will directly affect them.
Just look at that last example: These superior socks deserve some flair, choose from over 50 designs so you can create your perfect outfit.
Notice I didn't just say,
"we have over 50 designs."
That's just me flexing. I told them why they should care that we have over 50 designs. Because we have so many options they can create an outfit that they will love to match with our socks.
This style of writing keeps them engaged with THEMSELVES. This is the secret to getting them ready to buy!
Note: Anytime the buyer stops thinking about themselves, they move on. To make the buyer truly enjoy their experience, we have to stay focused on them.
Half TIme
Reminder: I have a very affordable option for you to see all that I'm describing in a very visual way. If you want to take advantage of this offer click here - https://www.growmyetsyshop.com/converting-website
Step 4: Introduce the Product
It's time!
This is the moment we want to introduce our product. They have been convinced of the benefits, can see how your product will give them those benefits and have just been hand fed how each feature will make their life better.
We now show them the product. How much it costs, and allow them to start shopping.
If our user jumps to our shop from here, think about how much of a better headspace they are in to start buying than if we lead them directly to our shop at the start.
This is why this style of landing pages will raise your conversion rate!
Now, let's imagine that instead of jumping into your shop at this point, they instead decide to keep scrolling.
If this happens, there are usually only two reasons.
1. They are loving your story telling and want to keep learning more
2. They are not sold yet.
So let’s tackle both of those!
Step 5- Sweeten deals
This section is when we add a little bit more to the pot to help make our offer a little more enticing. At this moment, they know how much our product cost so we need to add value to that price tag.
This is where you can promote : free shipping, any add ons, awards, small things that make you different (quality) etc. This is just to sweeten the price.
Think about the stuff you normally put in your Etsy descriptions. This is the time to start moving into those types of details.
Once you hit them with those, its time for the big guns.
Step 6- Product Reviews
Now that the user has made it this far but still hasnt visited the shop, lets shower some testimonials on them to really help them see the value of our product.
Nothing, I mean nothing, helps an online buyer make a decision better then honest reviews. So take this section to show off your reviews. Make sure that your reviews are not just saying things that the user is already expecting like
"good quality" or "fast shipping."
Something like this works well

You can see that she nervous about the money she was spending but then said it was totally worth it. This helps others who are also feeling tight on funds to overcome the hurdle of money.
Reviews that the user was worried about something, but then overcame that worry once they bought your product are the best ones!
I want you to use reviews to help the user see that they are ok to feel a certain way, but they shouldn't feel that way. When done right, the user will feel understood, and instantly gain more trust!
After the reviews, invite them back to the shop!
Get your Website To Convert More.
And that's it. That's your high converting landing page.
The whole purpose of laying out your landing page this way is to tell a story to the visitor. Keep them on your site, and change their mind from “how much is it?” to “Oh, this is really cool!” If you have every person entering your shop thinking, “Oh this is really cool!” Your conversion rate will go through the roof!
Good luck to you! Again - I have this complete hand holding program that will get you everything you just read about (and more) in just a few hours.
See examples, watch step by step videos, and see behind the curtain on how to get done!