As someone who has been marketing online for over 10 years, it's common for people who are interested in this subject to want to know the “magic” of how it's done. What magic spell do I chant that allows me to sell things online? What secret website am I posting my products to? What simple little switch can I hit to flow qualified buyers my way?
Sometimes they can confuse years of experience and trial and error with the idea that a simple sentence can change our business.
Not long ago I was in a zoom meeting with a large number of digital entrepreneurs. We were discussing ideas and someone said a sentence that literally changed the way I saw the advertising.
He said,
“Content is for people to understand. Copy is for people to feel understood.”
For some reason, This sentence connected two different parts of my brain together. I, up to this point, had been using and creating content for people to understand, and have not been putting my focus on helping people feel understood.
Now to truly make sense of this sentence, we need to understand what copy is.
Copy is text. A sales letter is copy. The text part under an Instagram picture is copy. The description on your Etsy products are copy.
So when we take this concept that our copy is not for people to understand, but to feel understood, it shines a different light on how we need to write our descriptions.
Let's take this for example:

The product is fly fishing lures in cufflinks. They would be targeting Fly fishermen (but most likely, the wife/daughter of a fly fisherman.)
This would mean that the copy needs to speak to the person buying the gift.
So in our mind, what are the pain points or worries of someone buying a gift for their husband or dad?
Maybe their husband/dad/Fishman won't like it?
Maybe they just want to find a unique gift that makes them feel special.
Maybe give him something that he will actually use?
What would be considered a homerun experience for the gift giver?
Maybe having the packaging be beautiful so that it's less work for them as the gift giver.
Maybe a little card that can be dropped in the box to help personalize the gift.
Having the product feels expensive and well made so that the gift received feels they spend good money for them.
These are all things that need to be addressed in the copy. Talk about the emotion that the product will bring, and how their worries or pain will no longer exist once they purchase their product.
We all know the feeling of buying for someone else, and to be able to buy the perfect gift for someone is a huge relief. So we should convince the buyer that their work is done! They have found the perfect product.
So talking about how their dad or husband or fisherman in their life loves to fish. And how this gift allows them to enjoy their love outside of the river. How they can wear to a wedding, church, work, or a night out and take something they love with them.
You can mention how special they will feel because you’ve captured their hobby in a masculine fashion accessory.
This style of copy is addressing all the pain points and worries of the gift giver. They are being sold that this product is NOT just a cuff link. It is actually the perfect gift for their receiver. That they will love it, that they will use it, and that it will make them feel special.
So now we go for the finisher. We make this a home run, a no-brainer.
The copy should then mention how beautiful and gift-ready the packaging is. That there is a custom note that goes into the box for the receiver on the big day. This helps drive that sale more by removing the work from the buyer.
And then.. After we have set the stage perfectly, we drop the mic by talking about the quality of the product. How these aren't your cheap easily-to-break cufflinks, but these are solid, well constructed, weighted cuff links that he will notice the quality.
YES. If you are a buyer looking to get a gift for a fisherman, why go anywhere else?!?
Not only have we used emotion to paint the ideal scenario in their minds, but we have made our product spotlight in their mind.
This is how you attract buyers! This is how you can sell a product on Etsy for more money. You get the buyer to feel UNDERSTOOD.
Now before I post the actual description of this product, I want you to think about how much you think these cufflinks cost? Does $40 sound fair to have the perfect gift that captures your dad/husband's love? Would you pay $40 to have him feel special? Would you pay $40 for a product that is not only going to bring him joy but is already packaged in high-quality material?
I would! ( My anniversary is coming up, so I could use a $40 PERFECT gift right about now!)
Ok- now let's look at the actual description and see if it speaks to us

Did you sorta quick read that at the end? That's because the copy was for you to understand. This store is selling cufflinks, NOT the perfect gift for fishermen. Therefore the copy reflects the cufflinks. This means his pricing has to compete with other cufflinks. This means that instead of that $40 price tag, he is actually selling them for $25.
Why? Because there is a lack of attracting the buyer.
So here is your homework. Dig into your product and find what you are actually selling.
If you sell a lap desk, you actually sell freedom from their office.
If you sell personalized notebooks, you actually sell the long-lasting memories of their stories.
If you sell a pack of feathers, you are actually selling the ability to create beautiful home decor that can centerpiece in their home.
Do you see how this works? Find what you sell and write so that your perfect buyer feels understood.
This is how you move your product to the front of the line. This is how you make buyers after they shop around, come back to your store. The more someone feels understood, the more they like and trust you.
If you're ready to take your shop to the next level, click HERE to join my Growth Report waitlist.
This Grow Report includes a call with me and a detailed Growth Plan for your shop, totally customized and tailored to your specific needs. I do the research so you can Grow!