Have you ever bought food from the same vendor or restaurant? What made you come back?
How about purchasing clothes from the same brand? What makes you come back?
This question may be pretty straightforward but it's worth thinking about.
Most likely you are returning because you love the product and find it to be priced correctly for the value you receive.
But here is the million-dollar question. Why did you buy from them in the first place? What took you from someone who has never tried their product, to coming back and buying more.
There is a simple shift that you can make your Etsy shop that opens the doors for people to be excited about trying your stuff and staying with you for the long haul!
Do you know how a frog catches a fly? It sits in a still environment and waits for something to change. When the fly enters its environment it notices it because of the change. It then snatches it up and enjoys its meal.
Here is another example that applies to you (a human). Imagine coming into your home and having your couch flipped over. You would notice, right? This is because your brain will notice that something is different.
Naturally, your brain tunes out "normal." It doesn't pay attention to what it sees everyday. Only something different than the typical will actually stand out.
So, let's jump to your Etsy shop.
If you are currently looking at what your competitors and copying what they are doing.. Stop.
You're blending into the environment! The idea is to do the opposite! You want to be, as Seth Godin puts it, a purple cow.
This will initiate step one of getting long-term customers. Getting them to notice you.
You have their attention. In the sea of listing pictures you stood out.. now what?
Its time to get them to listen. What has proven to be true throughout all history is that humans are drawn to stories.
When we try on our outfits in the fitting room, we start to picture what our loved ones will say when they see us wearing it.
When we buy the a gift for a friend, we imgine their reaction when they buy it.
We create stories in our mind anytime we think of the future. What you want to do with your Etsy shop is have the listing pictures tell a story. Help the customer tell their story by showing the product in ways that jump-starts their imagination.
If you sell a scarf, show an on-trend woman wearing your scarf in the fall so that can picture themselves staying warm with your scarf.
Listing pictures and the item description area can help paint the story that the consumer is already wanting to paint.
Now you got them to notice, they are drawing the future with your product, its time to take it home!
You have probably heard me say this before (if you listen to my podcast) but the best way to grow your business is to be known, liked, and trusted.
Being authentic is the way to be trusted. This means you do not speak with that lame professional voice that you think you need to speak with. It means you find your voice and you use it! You become a part of your brand. This is so important on Etsy.
People know they are buying from people, so be a person!
Here is a great way to think of it. Imagine you are buying a bike from someone from like facebook market place or something. You show up to meet this person and they talk like a robot.
"You're going to love this bike. It measures at 27" and its tires are rubber. The seat is held up with a metal sturdy post and the color is red. The cost is $95."
You would be like.. ok what's this freak hiding...
Now, let's paint a different picture.
He instead says, "Hey, so here is the bike. Its an awesome bike, I had it for 6 months and never really had any problems. Actually, the back tire was a little squeaky, but I put wd on it and it stopped. Other than that, Its worked great."
Wouldn't you trust this guy more? Whats crazy is the first version shared nothing wrong with the bike, and the 2nd version did. However, he was authentic, and because of that, you are more likely to trust him.
Now, im not saying go out and tell everyone what's wrong. But what I am saying is people trust people when they give them a reason to trust. When you speak like a robot or "professional" you remove the human from the conversation and leave them feeling alone. If you bring yourself into the journey, the buyer can then make a decision on whether they trust you or not.
And if they do choose to trust you, you are WAY more likely to get the sale over your competitors.
Important note
Not everyone will like you. Not everyone will appreciate your authentic self. Thats ok! If you try to get everyone to like you, its more hurtful for the long term of your business.
Its more important to get people to LOVE you then to like you. Love is where the growth is.
Ok, thats it! Go out and kill it!
- Jered
P.S. If you're interested... I have a pretty cool video that can help you get some bomb SEO.
I recorded myself going out to lunch and talking etsy SEO. You can get it here: