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Best Way to Content Market AND Own An Etsy Shop

The last thing any Etsy shop owner wants is more work. So we tend to look for -

"What is the FASTEST way for me to grow."


" What can I do in 15 minutes to get more sales?"

However, when I sold my brand (which started on Etsy) the most VALUABLE asset I had was the brand I created.

I had a net that dragged across the internet and scooped people into my store daily.

I didn't have to beg, pay, or convince these people. They came to me.

What was this little secret, you're wondering?

It was the content marketing strategy that started year one when we launched!

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is when you create a piece of content that is valuable to your target demographic.

Here are some examples:

Let's say that your niche is weddings. This means you want to target those who are getting married! So instead of sitting on Etsy hoping someone comes by and gives you a click, a better strategy would be to create content that someone who is getting married would find valuable.

A blog post with advice on how to not be stressed out of their minds during the planning.

A checklist of the most common mistakes brides make when planning their wedding.

Invitation inspiration for when designing their invites.


Once you have your first piece of content, you want to place it ANYWHERE that your target audience will see it.

Your blog, on your Etsy shop, in Facebook groups, Instagram, Pinterest, Where ever your people are!

This is content marketing 101!

Best Way to Content Market AND Own An Etsy Shop

But you're busy! How can you have time to do such tasks!

Here's the thing. (Real talk here)

You're reading this right now. But you have no idea when I wrote this.

I actually wrote this before I even launched a blog. When I was coming up with the idea of working with Etsy shop owners. So who knows how long this has been up, yet here you are.. now.

You see what I'm saying? Content stays. Let's say that every Sunday night you invest an hour or so into writing a blog post to your target demographic. This means by the end of the year you will have 52 blog posts. 52 different ways to drive traffic to your store. and it only took 1 hour a week! Totally doable right!

What content marketing can do for your shop

This is a quote from one of the biggest content marketers out there -

If you publish EVERY DAY for 365 days, after a year your income will NOT be the same.

This is to say, if you build authority, find your audience, and attract people to you (and to your business or offers) you will just naturally start making more money.

I FULLY subscribe to this. At this point in my life, I just launched "grow my etsy shop podcast"

Find it here -

I only have 7 episodes up, yet i have had over 100 people listen to it. if I continue throughout the next year, how many more people will I reach?

I have not invested a dime into marketing. This is just people finding me who are looking to grow!

I am playing the long game. I trust that if I bring value to my target audiences that they will eventually come to me!

How can you find the time to build content?

So here is a little secret. Content can not only be created whenever. But it can also be used on different platforms to gain a larger reach.

Not to keep talking about myself, but this blog was written on a Sunday. It will be posted (scheduled automatically ) to go out on a Friday. The podcast episode at the top was made months ago. This is is because I made 20 episodes of podcasts before I ever released it for the public. This means I have 20 weeks of content premade, scheduled, ready to go!

I make all my Instagram reels (they go out every Thursday) in one hour for the month. I create up to 11 pins on canvas for my blog that go out on Pinterest. Anything that gets posted on Instagram goes out to my facebook group... You see how this works?

I record a podcast, write a blog from the show notes (usually while watching a laker game) create 11 pins (canva makes this super fast) and then schedule it out for the week.

(as of writing this, i haven't even posted on Pinterest yet! )

So on paper, I have a podcast, a blog, Pinterest, Instagram, and a facebook group, all getting daily posts.

But in reality, I create one piece of content and spread it to all my platforms.

Where should I put my marketing efforts?

As an Etsy shop owner, you have to think about where your people are. One thing we know for sure, is that Pinterest tends to have ALOT of Etsy buyers. Etsy shows that 50% of its traffic comes from Pinterest.

So what does this mean for you?

You should be there!

But note, that you don't just want to post your products, You want REAL content!

If you make a cornhole game, you will want to promote content to people who like to be outside.

Backyard parties, BBQ, Summer time, etc. So if you create content around these topics that your target audience would care about, you can be seen, drive people to your products, and have it work day after day, year after year!

Here is what I coach ( Which if you want a growth plan for your Etsy shop - Click Here )

Every Etsy shop should have a blog.

You should post on that blog twice a month.

You should then create pins that promote that blog (Each pin has a different headline but runs to the same blog)

You should create boards that your target audience is interested in.

Then post 2-3 pins a day using software like tailwind or socialchamp.

That is what I coach to be the minimum of content marketing for your Etsy shop!

If you are more advance and have a system set up, tell me about it! Comment below and let others know what is working for you!


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